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Funding & Partnership Opportunities
Building a thriving tourism destination is achievable through shared investments into a sustainable, inclusive and collaborative approach among businesses, organizations and various levels of government.
We are proud of the countless examples related to collaboratively leveraging resources towards a common goal in our region. However, the availability of financial support continues to be a limiting factor in reaching our potential. Lack of access to bank loans, narrow eligibility for funding programs, and resistance to the implementation of a Municipal Accommodation Tax within our municipalities continue to put our destination and our industry in a vulnerable position.
Our organization works closely with the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO), the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) and our various levels of local government to ensure the challenges and opportunities specific to our region are well understood. We are encouraged by the level of consideration we have received and are grateful for the funding that becomes available.
OHTO offers funding support to our sector in the following ways as the opportunities arise. First, our organization may receive funding to deliver our own application-based funding program. Second, we may receive funding to deliver a specific program and finally, and most commonly, we keep our industry informed and provide linkages to funding opportunities available through other organizations.
If you have questions related to the available funding, programs and partnership opportunities, or are seeking guidance on how to apply for funding, please book a Discovery Call with our team for guidance.
Funding Opportunities with OHTO
None at this time
Programs and Partnerships Opportunities with OHTO
CNECTed Course - Mental Health Training for Tourism by Not 9 to 5
OHTO has partnered with Not 9 to 5 for an exclusive offer to OHTO members so members can complete the CNECTed Course and become certified, at no cost.
Not 9 to 5 is a non-profit global leader in mental health advocacy for the food service and hospitality sector. Through practical education and meaningful community-building, they are reimagining the industry by breaking stigmas and fuelling hope. Not 9 to 5 aspires to normalize mental health training, sick leave, workplace accommodations, healthcare benefits, support and resources to all.
What is CNECTed?
CNECTed is a mental health certification and training program for the entire hospitality and culinary workforce. The program offers skills, resources and tools to learn how to identify, understand and respond to crisis situations and equip employers with vocabulary, tools and coping strategies for improving workplace mental health.
To sign up for the OHTO promo code to complete the CNECTed Course for free, complete this short questionnaire. A member of the OHTO team will follow up with you with any follow-up questions and/or provide you with your promo code. Please note: promo codes are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Did you know:
Whether you’re a manager or an owner, employers have a responsibility to cultivate a psychologically safe work environment for their staff. Workplaces that avoid discussion of mental health issues are more prone to absenteeism, internal conflicts, and attrition. With resources and education through Not 9 to 5, you can be proactive in providing your workplace and team with the tools they need.
Joining the CNECTing community and becoming CNECTed certified will equip you to empower your team with mental health education and a community of support. Certification is an excellent first step towards improving psychological safety in your establishment. Everyone benefits from committing to improving workplace mental health, including your guests.
Current Funding Opportunities outside of OHTO
My Main Street (Two Funding Streams)
Applications are open until March 31, 2024.
Introducing "My Main Street," an initiative funded by FedDev Ontario, investing $15 million to rejuvenate main street businesses and communities across southern Ontario. This program, supported by the Government of Canada, aims to stimulate growth and vibrancy through two streams:
- Business Sustainability Stream: Offers non-repayable contributions to main street businesses, enabling them to fortify operations and foster growth.
- Community Activator Stream: Supports local placemaking projects, such as events and streetscape enhancements, to enhance community vibrancy and attract visitors.
The Canadian Urban Institute is hosting virtual information sessions on February 26 + 27 and March 4 + 5. These sessions offer insights into eligibility criteria, application procedures, and successful past projects, providing valuable guidance to potential applicants.
Contact the Canadian Urban Institute for assistance with either stream.
Ontario Trillium Foundation - Capital Grant Stream
DEADLINE: March 6, 2024 at 5 p.m. EST
Through the Capital grant stream, the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) supports projects that improve community facilities and spaces. OTF funds capital projects that update buildings, enhance spaces, and purchase fixed and non-fixed equipment so people and communities can thrive.
OTF has updated the Capital grant application and eligibility requirements. The latest Capital grant page contains all the information and resources you need to verify if your organization and project fit with this grant stream and plan your application.
Get support for your application
OTF offers a broad range of supports to help organizations access comprehensive and up-to-date information about our grants, including:
- One-on-one coaching calls
- Webinars begin January 25, 2024 to learn about eligibility criteria for applicants and Capital grant application requirements.
- Answers to general questions and technical support through the Support Centre at otf@otf.ca or 1 800 263-2887. The Support Centre is available Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM ET.
Apply for the OTF Capital Grant