Connect With Us
Our success as a tourism destination depends upon the active engagement and participation of stakeholders from all sectors and communities in our tourism community. We encourage you to continue to engage with us, to share your story, to keep us in the loop with any exciting experiences you have to offer and to reach out to us for support or with questions along the way.
Become a Member (opt-in to receive communications from us!)
None of us can grow tourism across Ontario’s Highlands on our own, but together, we can leverage our messaging, support a collaborative strategy, and work towards a unified vision aimed at increasing awareness and inspiring visitors to Come Wander Ontario’s Highlands.
Are you a tourism-related business, attraction, or organization offering services in all or parts of the counties of Frontenac, Haliburton, Hastings, Lanark, Lennox & Addington, and Renfrew? (Not sure? Check out the regional map).
Sign up for a free membership with OHTO to:
- Receive tourism industry-related tourism news, tips, and opportunities directly to your inbox– this includes the monthly Highlands Highlight newsletter and more;
- Be informed of OHTO’s workforce, product, marketing and experience development programs;
- Have your voice heard and inform the strategic direction of OHTO by voting at the AGM and responding to our Industry Feedback Surveys; and
- Take your business to the next level by participating in marketing and product development opportunities and collaborating with others on exciting new partnerships.
Discovery Call
Are you a new business owner to the Ontario's Highlands region, or simply haven't connected with the OHTO team in a while? Book a Discovery Call with our team and tell us about your business, your seasonal experiences, and the experiences found in your local community.
We want to highlight your story and share it with visitors and help you tap into new audiences.
These calls provide valuable input towards the Come Wander content featured on our website, social channels and through other exciting initiatives, such as eblasts and influencer and media trips. We'll also share other resources that might be of interest to you and help you towards achieving your goals.
Monthly Guiding Question
Responding to OHTO’s Monthly Guiding Questions is one of the simplest ways to share your story through Come Wander. Each month, we send our industry mailing list one new question, designed to spark creativity, uncover insider insight, and challenge you to go beyond what you would typically submit for inclusion in a tourism directory.
The team at OHTO then takes the responses, drills down to find the content nugget, and works with respondents to develop a compelling story to be featured on the ComeWander.ca website, social channels and through other content initiatives, such as influencer programs, media trips, and targeted emails.
As business owners, community organizers, and Ontario’s Highlands’ locals, no one knows the stories of the region better than you. We want you to tell us what makes you unique; what visitors love about you – and then we want to share it!
Not on our industry mailing list? Sign up here!
Join our Industry-Focused Social Channels
To maintain meaningful and ongoing engagement with our membership, OHTO created industry-specific social media channels where valuable tourism information is shared, including, funding announcements, success stories, important news, and trending topics.
Join our Industry Social Media Channels and stay connected with both OHTO and your industry peers:
- Facebook: OHTO Members Community Group (Private) and OHTO Insider Facebook Page
- X (Twitter): OHTO Insider
- LinkedIn: Ontario's Highlands Tourism Organization | RTO-11
Tap into our Visitor-Focused Social Channels
It’s no secret the social media world is constantly evolving. New platforms are popping up, existing platforms are changing their algorithms and releasing new features, and what was trending yesterday seems to be forgotten today.
With visitors increasingly searching the internet to make travel decisions, the majority of our Come Wander efforts will be focused on the digital world, which includes social media. Though it moves quickly and can seem overwhelming to stay on top of, social media also allows us a direct way to connect with our audience and inspire visitation.
We’re leveraging our social media platforms as a way to connect with our followers and create a community that celebrates the ideology of wandering. To do this, we’ve focused our social efforts on five major platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.
We hope you’ve been using #ComeWander and want to encourage you to continue to do so moving forward, but also to go even further. Instead of just using this hashtag, try searching #ComeWander on Instagram and Twitter. Take a look at what visitors are talking about and doing in the region. Once you know what visitors are saying, we hope you’ll be excited for your own social posts and can better participate in the conversation. With people engaging with #ComeWander every day, there’s bound to be a post or two that inspire you.
Get Social with Us!
Like and follow our Visitor-focused social media pages listed below to get involved in the conversation, and be part of the regional movement on Instagram and Twitter by using our #ComeWander hashtag.
Industry Feedback Survey
Every year we release an Industry Feedback Survey as a way for tourism stakeholders to provide input on OHTO’s strategic direction. The information collected helps the OHTO Board of Directors better understand what’s most important to tourism stakeholders and any challenges impacting businesses and organizations across Ontario’s Highlands. The Industry Feedback Surveys are shared through our eblasts either annually or as feedback is required by the Board of Directors.
Not on our industry mailing list? Become a member to get added to the list.
Customer Service Charter
OHTO Customer Service Charter
The OHTO is an industry led, not-for-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors and funded by the Province of Ontario. It was established in 2010 to carry out activities that contribute towards attracting visitation to the region known as Ontario’s Highlands. The activities associated with attracting visitation extend beyond promotional efforts and include building tourism sector capacity around differentiating the tourism offers in order to drive demand.
In carrying out its mandate, the OHTO services two distinct customers namely: the visitor who intends to travel to Ontario’s Highlands and the tourism community within the region whose experiences are the demand generators for visitation.
The OHTO does not own any of the tourism offers it promotes, rather it functions as a conduit for visitors to satisfy their needs for travel and for the tourism community to look to for leadership, expertise and support to strengthen the sector.
We are a small but committed team working hard to ensure we are meeting the needs of our visitors and our industry. When you engage with use you can expect OHTO staff will:
- Be fair, genuine, friendly, helpful and courteous, performing their work with respect and dignity;
- Listen to your comments, suggestions and concerns in an effort to improve our services and to meet your needs;
- Respond to your inquires or complaints within 48 hours;
- Maintain a high level of competence by committing to continuous learning and staying abreast of emerging trends, approaches and methods;
- Abide by legislative standards of collecting, reviewing, transmitting, or storing your personal information.
Let us know how we can improve!
In the event we fall short on delivering our standard of service we encourage you to discuss your experience with Nicole Whiting, Executive Director of OHTO who will confirm receipt of your correspondence within 48hrs. You will be provided with a response and proposed resolution within 5 business days. If the proposed resolution is not to your satisfaction your case will be escalated to the Chief Governing Officer (CGO) of the OHTO who will follow up on your case within 5 business days of your request.